Cancer News Network

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Breast cancer may no longer be fatal!

With survival rate among breast cancer patients increasing significantly in the last few years, experts feel that this disease may longer be fatal, but instead turn into a long-term manageable disorder like diabetes and arthritis. In a conference organized by Breast Cancer Campaign in London recently, experts revealed that new drugs like Herceptin have reduced the occurrence of this disease to a large extent. The recent developments in diagnosis and treatment of this disease have enhanced the survival rate among breast cancer patients, through early detection and better management of the disease. Pamela Goldberg, chief executive of the Breast Cancer Campaign, said that women have a better chance of surviving this disease, with drugs like Herceptin and aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole and letrozole reducing the effects of this disease. She added that new techniques in cosmetic surgery are helping to reduce the psychological impact in breast cancer patients, who undergo surgeries as a part of their treatment.
The survival rate among breast cancer patients has gone up from 57% in 1980’s to 80% now. Professor John Toy, medical director of Cancer Research UK, said that new methods of prevention, screening and diagnosis of breast cancer coupled with discovery of new drugs, should improve the survival rate of breast cancer patients, in future.


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