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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New diet and exercise guidelines for cancer survivors

WebMD - There are more than 10 million cancer survivors in the U.S., and the American Cancer Society (ACS) has new diet and exercise guidelines for them.

The guidelines appear in the November/December issue of
CA: A cancer Journal for Clinicians

The ACS doesn't claim to have nailed down all the facts on nutrition and physical activity for cancer survivors.

But "reasonable conclusions can be made on several issues," write the researchers.

They included Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, director of nutrition and physical activity for the ACS.
Among the recommendations:

· Strive for a healthy weight. If you're overweight, go for modest weight loss (up to 2 pounds weekly) with a doctor's supervision.

· Limit fat to 20% to 35% of calories. Keep saturated fat to less than 10% of calories and trans-fat to less than 3% of calories.

· Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish and walnuts

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