Cancer News Network

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Obesity + Prostate Cancer = Higher risk of death

HealthDay News: Men who are obese when they're diagnosed with prostate cancer are 2.6 times more likely to die of the disease than normal-weight men, new findings suggest.

The study, by researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, included 752 recently diagnosed prostate cancer patients who were followed for about 10 years. Of the men in the study, 50 died of prostate cancer, and 64 died of other causes.

"I was very surprised by the findings. We found the prostate-cancer-specific mortality risk associated with obesity was similar regardless of treatment, disease grade or disease stage at the time of diagnosis," senior author Alan Kristal, associate head of the Cancer Prevention Program in Hutchinson's Public Health Sciences Division, said in a prepared statement.

"If a man is obese at the time of diagnosis, he faces a 2.6-fold greater risk of dying as compared to a normal-weight man with the same diagnostic profile, regardless of whether he has radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy, whether or not he gets androgen-deprivation therapy, whether he has low- or high-grade disease, and whether he has localized, regional or distant disease," Kristal said.

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Blogger Health Watch Center said...

Hello Prabhu,

This is very interesting post...which is giving important information about obesity and prostate cancer...a lot of people neglect health and don't do regular exercise then they will become fat...there are a lot of problems with obesity and this inclusion makes very one re think about daily exercise and good health...thanks for sharing.

Health Watch Center.
Fitness Health Zone

10:54 PM  
Anonymous buy generic viagra said...

hello well the obesity goes together with the prostate cancer and so many other problems be fat is not good at all let me add so be healthy and do exercise .

10:27 PM  
Anonymous custom made essays said...

Really the age and underlying health of the man, the extent of metastasis, appearance under the microscope, and response of the cancer to initial treatment are important in determining the outcome of the disease

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